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I am searching for all my Glam God–Desses (les hommes and la-divas) out there who, like us aspire to live the luxurious high end lifestyle. Are you interested in fashion, beauty, relationships, sexy desserts, romantic getaways and much much more. I would like to note that we are style consultants; we are not experts, specialists or professionals.

Wednesday 7 April 2010


Why is it that, the majority of the time only women are associated with being a gold digger? what are men not golddiggers too?

According to urbandictionary.com 'A golddigger is a women whose primary interest in a relationship is material benefits. A woman who cares more about a man's bank account than love'

Realise the key word is 'Women', are you telling me that some of you men would not date a women with riches to get you out of your financial slum? Or would you not sleep with the bosses daughter who fancies you in order to get that promotion you haven't received 10 years in the company?

Men and women can both play the gold digger game it must just be that men are alot more under cover!

I feel sorry for Lisa Raye another women who has to defend her action!

do you guys remember Teairra Mari? shes got a new song called 'Sponser'

Now shes tryna explain that shes not a golddigger!

Is that only Women are Golddigers or are men guilty too?

By Rosemary


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